A recipe for a cheaper e-bike? Work with Uber Eats!

Check out the details

Join the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM and enjoy the opportunity to use Capacity e-bikes, all at minimal cost to you.

-100 zł




See how much you can save each week

Choose your city, check the targets, and the corresponding subsidies.


How does it work?
Learn the rules of the program!


▪️ You are a City Drive or Udriver courier in one of the cities: Wrocław, Warsaw, Kraków, Gdańsk.

▪️ You deliver orders through the Uber Eats app.

▪️ Meet weekly targets on a Capacity bike: number of deliveries from the table above, an acceptance rate above 85%, and a cancellation rate below 8%.

▪️ First week for calculating delivery targets: September 2-8, 2024.

Last week for calculating delivery targets: December 16-22, 2024.


▪️ The bonus will be added to your weekly settlement as "przychód inny" in the City Drive/Udriver panel.

▪️ Bonuses will be paid 2 weeks after meeting the conditions.

EXAMPLE: You met the requirements in the week of September 2-8 -> you'll receive the subsidy in your Uber Eats payout around September 16-22.



E-mail: office@capacity.pl

Rent Capacity e-bikes

Remember, to participate in the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM, you must deliver with Uber Eats using a Capacity e-bike.

I’m renting a bike and joining the program

Go to the Capacity website and rent an e-bike. After meeting your weekly targets, you'll receive a subsidy for the bike.


Capacity bike prices start from 140 PLN/week,

and you can get a subsidy of up to 100 PLN/week,

meaning you're renting the bike almost for free :)

Ready to start?

Read the full program terms and conditions and start delivering with Uber Eats, Capacity, and your favorite settlement partner (City Drive or Udriver).

Terms and Conditions

Got questions? Check the FAQ!

Have doubts or questions? Our FAQ section is constantly updated to provide you with the most useful information.

What are the eligibility criteria for the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM?

To qualify for the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM, you must be employed as a courier with City Drive or Udriver, deliver orders through Uber Eats, and ride a Capacity e-bike in one of the four cities included in the program: Wrocław, Warsaw, Kraków, or Gdańsk.

When and how will I receive my bike rental subsidies?
Subsidies are awarded weekly and paid out as "przychód inny" in the City Drive/Udriver settlement panel. Bonuses are paid 2 weeks after the conditions are met.
Can I participate in the program if I’m already renting a bike from another provider?

The BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM is only available for couriers who rent electric bikes from the Capacity brand. If you’re currently using another provider, consider switching to Capacity bikes to take advantage of our attractive subsidies.

Do I need to register somewhere to participate in the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM?

No, you don’t need to register anywhere additionally. To benefit from the BIKE SUBSIDY PROGRAM, just be an active courier with City Drive or Udriver, rent a Capacity electric bike, and make deliveries for Uber Eats. If you meet these conditions, you automatically qualify for the subsidies.

Will I receive the subsidy if I meet the requirements but decide not to rent a Capacity bike the following week?

Yes, you will receive the subsidy for the week in which you met the program's requirements, even if you choose not to rent a Capacity e-bike in the following week. The subsidy is awarded for meeting the conditions in a specific week and is paid 2 weeks later, regardless of whether you continue renting the bike.

The best way to reach us is by sending a message to our dedicated email address: doplaty@city-drive.pl

Feel free to get in touch, we’re here to help!

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